Troxler, Marion. “Shifting Shores and Metamorphic Merfolk” ESSE Doctoral Symposium, University of Lausanne, 27-28 August 2024
Richter, Virginia. “Dead End: Apocalypse and Regeneration on the Beach.” Sea More Blue – approches écopoétiques et interdisciplinaires des mers et des océans, UPVD – Campus Moulin-à-Vent, 17 June 2024.
Kluwick, Ursula. “Transformations in Littoral Space: Abjection, Dissolution, and Creativity in Novels about Violent Displacement.” Sea More Blue – approches écopoétiques et interdisciplinaires des mers et des océans, UPVD – Campus Moulin-à-Vent, 17 June 2024.
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Negotiating Island Time with Beach Time: The Temporal Agency of ‘Washing Up’ in Amy Liptrot’s The Outrun” Sea More Blue – approches écopoétiques et interdisciplinaires des mers et des océans, UPVD – Campus Moulin-à-Vent, 17 June 2024.
Troxler, Marion. “Sealskins, Scales and Silken Hair: Transformability as Resistance in Merfolk Literature.” Sea More Blue – approches écopoétiques et interdisciplinaires des mers et des océans, UPVD – Campus Moulin-à-Vent, 17 June 2024.
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Islands of Time: Entangled Temporalities in Amy Liptrot’s The Outrun.” ‘A million atoms of soft blue’ Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities, Symposium in honour of Virginia Richter. University of Bern, 6-7 June 2024.
Troxler, Marion. “Making Head and Tail of Merfolk Literature.” ‘A million atoms of soft blue’ Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities, Symposium in honour of Virginia Richter. University of Bern, 6-7 June 2024.
Kluwick, Ursula. “Reading the Beach: Inscription and Interpretation in an Unstable Terrain.” ‘A million atoms of soft blue’ Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities, Symposium in honour of Virginia Richter. University of Bern, 6-7 June 2024.
Richter, Virginia. “After Beaches. A Swan Song.” ‘A million atoms of soft blue’ Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities, Symposium in honour of Virginia Richter. University of Bern, 6-7 June 2024.
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Deep Time Mythologised: Reading the Anthropocene in Morten Strøksnes’ Havboka.” EcoLit Now! International Symposium on Ecocritical Literary Studies and the Environmental Humanities, University of Oslo, 24 May 2023.
Troxler, Marion. “Make a Myth Come True: Epistemological Narratives of “Science” and “Myth” in Amy Sackville’s Orkney.” BSLS 2023, Edinburgh Napier University, 13-15 April 2023.
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Blue Extinction: Narrating the Deep Life of the Greenland Shark”. Blue Extinctions Conference, University of Sheffield, 7-8 July 2022.
Richter, Virginia. “’Magnificent, yet most dreadful objects of nature’: Sir Walter Scotts gefährliche Küsten”, Wasser/Landschaften. Ökologien des Fluiden um 1800, Rhein-Main Universitäten, Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg, Villa Reimers, 7-9 July 2022.
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Havet og stranden i skandinavisk litteratur – Et blik på Havboka.” Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 6-8 September 2022.
Blaser, Fabienne. (7 September 2021). “Trouble in Paradise. Coastal Disaster Representations in Contemporary Anglophone Literature.” GSAH Summer School “Materialities & Subjectivities. Accounting for Complicated and Complicating Entanglements in the Humanities.”. Hotel Alpha Soleil Kandersteg. 6 – 10 September 2021. PDF poster
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Complicating and Materialising ‘the Flood Myth’ in Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen’s The Sea Letters“. Wet Feet? Flooding, Resilience and the Climate Crisis, University of Sheffield (online), 19 May 2021.
Blaser, Fabienne. (17 March 2021). Voices from the Swamp. Oil, Pollution and Slow Violence In: Vulnerability and resilience: Voices and practices from the margins. University of Milan, Italy (online). 17-19 March 2021. PDF talk
í Jákupsstovu, Guðrun. “Encountering Time: Understanding Deep Time Through Encounters and Interactions on the Beach”. GAPS 2021: Science, Culture and Postcolonial Narratives, University of Oldenburg (online), 13-15 May 2021.
Richter, Virginia. “The display of decay: the aesthetics of zoology in Jim Crace’s Being Dead”. GAPS 2021 – Science, Culture, and Postcolonial Narratives, Oldenburg, 13-15 May, online (
Blaser, Fabienne. (19 May 2021). “Resisting the Tides. The Hungry Tide, littoral logic, and flood management.” Wet Feet: Flooding, resilience and the climate crisis. University of Sheffield (online). 19 May 2021. Video Recording.
Blaser, Fabienne. (2021). “Condensed timelines, apocalyptic images and violent resistance: How Helon Habila’s Oil on Water makes visible slow violence.” ASLE 2021: EmergencE/Y. online. 26 July – 6 August. Video recording
Richter, Virginia and Ursula Kluwick. “Experiencing Aquatic Spaces”, 15th ESSE Conference, Lyon, 2-3 September 2021, online (
Richter, Virginia. “A Grave for Fish: the Haunted Shore in Wyl Menmuir’s The Many.”, Haunted Shores: Coastlands, Coastal Waters, and the Littoral Gothic, online symposium, 2021.
Richter, Virginia and Ursula Kluwick. “The Beach in the Long Twentieth Century.” Invited Paper. The Ecological Imperative. University of Bern 2020 (online).