Kluwick, Ursula. “A Sanitary Sense of Smell: Olfaction and Bodily Boundaries in Victorian Writing.” Literature and the Senses. Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature. Ed. Annette Kern-Stähler and Elizabeth Robertson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Kluwick, Ursula. “The Mobility of Water: Aquatic Transformation and Disease in Victorian Literature.” Medicine and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, History, and Culture. Ed. Sandra Dinter and Sarah Schäfer-Althaus. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2023, pp. 145-164.
Richter, Virginia. “Salt Taste of the Sea: The Multisensorial Beach in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Charles Simmons’s Salt Water”, Literature and the Senses. Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature, ed. Annette Kern-Stähler and Elizabeth Robertson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Troxler, Marion. “Resisting Domination: Merfolk and the Beach in Amy Sackville’s Orkney.” Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 33.66 (2023): 87-103.
De Waal, Ariane and Ursula Kluwick. 2022. “Victorian Materialisms: Approaching Nineteenth-Century Matter.” European Journal of English Studies 26.1 (March 2022), pp. 1-13. DOI:
Richter, Virginia. “A Grave for Fish: The Haunted Shore in Wyl Menmuir’s The Many.” Gothic Nature 3 (2022), 93-116.
Gurr, Jens Martin and Ursula Kluwick. 2021. “Literature and …? Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity: Introduction.” Literature and …: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Anglistik 32.3 (Winter 2021), pp. 5-18. DOI:
Richter, Virginia. “Seaside Resort Blues: The English Seaside in the 1930s”, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) 27.1 (Spring 2021), 33-48.
Kluwick, Ursula. 2020. “The Global Deluge: Floods, Diluvian Imagery, and Aquatic Language in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide and Gun Island.” Green Letters 24:1 (2020), 64- 78.
Kluwick, Ursula. 2020. “The Aesthetics of Bodies in Translation: From The Water-Babies to Real Humans.” Medial Bodies. Ed. Denisa Butnaru. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 85-103.
Kluwick, Ursula and Virginia Richter. 2020. “Of Tourists and Refugees: The Global Beach in the Twenty-First Century.” Heterotopia and Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Simon Ferdinand, Irina Souch, and Daan Wesselman. London: Routledge, pp. 116-130.
Richter, Virginia. “‘The whole China Sea had climbed on the bridge’: Oceanic Agency in Joseph Conrad’s Typhoon”. The Conradian 45.1 (Spring 2020): 21-37.
Richter, Virginia. “Stranded. The Beach as Ultimate Destination in Joseph Conrad’s ‘Amy Foster’ and Thomas Mann’s ‘Death in Venice’”. Narrating and Constructing the Beach. Ed. Carina Breidenbach, Tamara Fröhler et al. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 57-81.